
1687 Scottsville Rd
Mehoopany, PA 18629
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Donations are tax-deductible

HANDS (Helping Area Needs for Diverse Services) of Wyoming County is a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization whose mission is to improve the quality and availability of early care and education in Wyoming County. This is done through implementing planning strategies, supporting growth and development of high quality early child care, and making sure early child care staff are well trained and informed with the latest information about the care of children. HANDS also advocates for early education by informing policymakers and the community about current issues, challenges and opportunities surrounding early care and education.

Would you be interested in donating materials or funds to expand the Educator/Parent Resource Lab? Would you be interested in helping to provide special programs to children and families in Wyoming County? Could you spare some of your time to help out at the Center with projects or programs?

All donations are tax exempt. A copy of HANDS 501(c) 3 exemption papers are available upon request.

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By completing the form below, you'll be entered into our secure, coordinated network of community resources, powered by Unite Us, that is available to help. A specialist will contact you after you submit the form.

HANDS of Wyoming County: Helping children in NE Pennsylvania

Every moment of a young child's life is a chance to learn about the world. It's a time of enormous opportunities -- a time when children grow, learn, strive, dream and build the foundation for their future. It's up to Wyoming County citizens, as parents, educators, policymakers, community leaders and concerned adults, to make these early years count.

The mission of HANDS is designed to meet the following priorities: 

  1. To promote positive child development through effective parenting, early intervention, and outreach services. 
  2. To support and preserve the family unit as the foundation for success for children. 
  3. To assure healthy development and health services for children. 
  4. To provide a seamless, comprehensive, and easily accessed network of services. 
  5. To provide support to the educators working with children and families on a daily basis. 
  6. To commit to promoting school readiness.

HANDS of Wyoming County has been identified as the agency to look to for early childhood expertise and family support with the goal to strengthen the lives of families and children for the future of the Wyoming County community.


Parents are the key


Being a parent is the most important and possibly the hardest job anyone will ever have. HANDS strives to support parents in this role with resources, information and services. Each family in Wyoming County has unique strengths and needs. When families interact with HANDS, they are not told what they need, but are asked what will help them. HANDS staff listens and strives to respond to each and every family as resources permit. As a 501(c)3, each and every donation is valued and tax deductible.  

HANDS provides opportunities for parent and child activities, training and workshops, educator resources, and opportunities to meet and support each other. Parent support groups such as Special Needs Parents and Parents Seeking Support in Raising Children are available.